Fall 2023 Knee High Naturalists | Week 2

We had an incredible second week full of fun, curiosity, and loads of detective work!

As we walked into class today, Ms. Miranda was reading "Animal Homes" by Debbie Martin. The book helped us learn about habitats and how different animals, just like us, need air, food, water, and shelter. After our reading session, we all gathered to sing our good morning song, discussed our plan for the day, and then headed out to the pavilion for handwashing and snack time.

Once we finished our snacks and tidied up, Ms. Aspen surprised us with our very own magnifying glasses, transforming us into Nature Detectives. Our mission was to search for tracks, scat, food, or shelter that could lead us to someone's habitat.

Our adventure began near the small observation deck by the pavilion. We discovered numerous holes in the ground that could be homes to snakes, worms, mice, chipmunks, or bugs. Investigating them up close was so much fun! As we hiked through the pine forest, we discovered a bee habitat near goldenrod flowers and marveled at mushrooms with various shapes and colors. Feathers from a blue jay were scattered along our trail, too, adding to the excitement.

Towards the end of our hike, we identified coyote, rabbit, and deer tracks and scat around the playscape—cool finds that connected with what we learned about Michigan mammals last week!

Our day ended in the playscape, where we tested our balance on logs and played together on tree stumps. Then, we moved over to the spider web for some silly spider fun. To top it off, Ms. Miranda and Ms. Aspen had a bag full of tiny mammals and insects. We got to pick and create our very own habitats for them—an imaginative and hands-on way to wrap up our day!

Thank you all so much for an amazing second week, we are looking forward to seeing you next week to learn about terrific trees while getting muddy and having fun!