Across the river from the Boardman River Nature Center is the site of GTCD’s newest program – The Great Lakes Incubator Farm (GLIF). Located on Grand Traverse County's historic Meyer Farm property, GLIF is an active land-based agricultural program that fosters the growth and development of new and beginning farmers in Northwest Lower Michigan.

GLIF will serve as a demonstration farm where community members can gather and connect to learn about natural resources, conservation, agriculture, food, farming systems, and best and regenerative practices.


The Great Lakes Incubator Farm (GLIF) is dedicated to training the next generation of farmers through a local farming model rooted in regenerative agriculture. Our goal is to build resilience within local food systems while fostering a lasting culture of health and wellness.

We strive to ensure equitable access to land and farming opportunities for our graduates, while promoting inclusivity within our trainees, staff, board, and the broader community.

At GLIF, we actively engage in continuous learning, leveraging resources and training to advance social justice and food insecurities. We are committed to breaking down barriers for anyone interested in a career in agriculture and creating pathways for aspiring farmers from diverse backgrounds.

Agricultural Practices

The Great Lakes Incubator Farm follows growing practices that align with Certified Organic standards and is currently transitioning to certified organic status. Our farming methods are rooted in the principles of soil health, which include:

  • Keeping living roots in the ground as long as possible

  • Minimizing soil disturbance - through alternative methods or reduced tillage

  • Maximizing plant diversity with cover crop mixes and rotational diversity of cash crops

  • "Armoring the soil" with organic residue

We focus on providing optimal nutrition to crops, allowing them to utilize their natural defenses against pests and diseases. By maintaining soil health and achieving balanced mineral content, we aim to produce higher yields of nutrient-dense food. The overarching goal is to improve our methods, our soil and crop health each growing season.

At GLIF, we are dedicated to nurturing both the land and the future of agriculture, fostering resilient, sustainable farming practices that will benefit the health of our local community.


The Great Lakes Incubator Farm offers two options for enrollment:

Training Program

  • This rigorous program is best suited for those who are confident that farming is their chosen path. Admission is competitive, with only five students accepted each year. Participants must commit fully to the seven month program, which begins in mid-March. During this time, students work closely with our staff to prepare the soil, organize materials, optimize equipment, and finalize crop and marketing plans. As the season progresses, participants gain hands-on experience in all aspects of farming—from cultivation and planting to problem-solving, harvesting, and marketing their products.

    Students will collaborate by working directly alongside the Farm Manager to run a fully functioning farm business while also engaging in classroom instruction, field demonstrations, and daily fieldwork. The program culminates in the development of an independent farm business plan, which each participant presents to their peers and the farm manager.

    • Must be 18 years or older

    • Be committed and capable of performing physically demanding work for 8+ hours/day, 5-7 days a week

    • Available for the full 7-month program (April -October - with up to 1 week of scheduled time off)

    • Regular communication with the farm manager, fellow participants, and incubator farmers

    • Participate in monthly check-ins throughout the growing season

    • Able to accept direction and constructive feedback

    • Financially able to cover living expenses during the program (a need-based $1,000/month living stipend is available)

    • Farming experience is recommended but not required

  • $300 (*subject to change due to Grant Funding sources) (Need-based stipend available for 2025 Season)

  • Becoming a successful farmer requires mastering a wide variety of skills—growing crops, mechanics, entomology, accounting, marketing, and more. GLIF's goal is to equip aspiring farmers with the essential skills they need to run thriving farm businesses. Our program is designed to keep pace with the evolving world of food and agriculture, ensuring participants gain the knowledge and experience necessary to succeed.

    Click here to apply!

Incubator Program

  • Are you ready to start your farm business?

    This program lowers common barriers that typically deter individuals from starting a farming operation by giving them the opportunity and flexibility to create an agricultural business and gain expertise as they grow. It is geared towards experienced farmers who must have an approved business plan by GLIF management.

    Incubator Farmers will have shared access to the infrastructure and resources provided by the Great Lakes Incubator Farm including:

    • Farm Manager mentorship

    • Tractors

    • Tools and equipment

    • Irrigation system

    • Hoophouse space and dedicated land area

    • Cold storage

    • Post-harvest handling facility

  • Experience: Applicants must demonstrate prior agricultural experience, such as internships, volunteer work, or employment on a farm. This ensures participants are prepared to engage deeply with the program’s rigorous training and operational demands.

    Business Plan: A solid business plan is a cornerstone of the application process. This plan should outline:

    • The participant's farming goals

    • A market strategy for their crops or products

    • Financial projections and budgets. GLIF staff provides feedback and mentorship to refine these plans as needed

  • Please click here for information on sliding scale enrollment fees.

  • Farm training graduates will be given priority for GLIF’s incubation opportunity at Meyer Farm. Only one or two participants will be accepted into the incubator program each season, depending on their farming experience and the specifics of their business plan.

    Given the limited space available at Meyer Farm, business plans must align with the farm's capacity.

    Click here to apply.



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Farm Manager Bio