Fall 2023 Knee High Naturalists | Week 1

Welcome everyone!

We had a great first day at Knee High Naturalists. We started with a story titled: Moose on the Loose by Kathy Jo Wargin! From there we sang our good morning song, a repeat after me song that goes like this:

The Good Morning Song

Good morning, dear Earth.

Good morning, dear Sun.

Good morning, dear soil;

And beasts on the run.

Good morning, dear flowers;

And birds in the trees.

Good morning to you,

Good morning to me.

We headed outside to wash hands and eat our snack. At the end of snack time we gathered in a circle under the pavilion to introduce ourselves. Each of us said our name and our favorite food. If we also liked that food, we gave a thumbs up! If we didn’t really like that food, we gave a thumbs down. After we all talked about our favorite foods, most of us like pasta and pizza, we talked about how to stay safe during our program and while hiking on our trails.

Many of us agreed that it’s important to stay safe by:

  • Staying on the trail

  • Using our walking feet

  • Keeping our voices down so that others can enjoy nature too

  • And staying within our “teacher sandwich” so that everyone can have fun safely

We headed down our Fox Den trail to see all the cool things that the Natural Education Reserve has to offer! We stopped at the overlook to view the river from a safe distance and talked about what we saw and heard while there. We then continued on the trail to Jack’s Creek where we took a peek at where we will get to play in the near future- we cannot wait! Our hike stopped at another overlook where we got to see a praying mantis and a large grasshopper- this was so neat!

We headed back to the pavilion to complete our activity about mammals. Ms. Aspen and Ms. Miranda shared with us what a mammal was and what kind of mammals lived in Michigan. We worked hard together to guess which animals our teachers had with them today and also which ones we have seen in the wild! We learned that mammals have:

  • Fur

  • Are warm Blooded

  • Have live birth (rather than laying eggs)

Last but not least we learned that WE are also mammals!

We cannot wait to see you all next week to learn about more animals and more specifically their habitats!

Thank you all for a great week 1!