Hello to one and all, welcome back to the best nature program of all! We had a spectacular week under the sun with your little ones, sit back and relax to learn more about a day in the life of your Knee High Naturalists…
Our naturalists brought the nice weather with them on this other wise rainy morning, leaving rain suits and gear in backpacks while the sun lasted. We got out our chalk and colored as we talked, creating an ocean with fish, monster trucks and a floating farm—of course! We were so excited to learn more about some of our favorite friends, bugs, that we could hardly wait to explore. We sang our Good Morning song loud and clear as tractors moved back and forth from here to there. It was awfully hard to concentrate as Mr. Riley worked hard to make our new trail, we can’t wait!
We learned that insects have three different body parts: a head, a thorax and an abdomen. They also have 6 legs, no less, no more! Spiders are not insects, but arachnids and worms are annelids, we could hardly believe all of this. Ms. Miranda even taught us a brand new song called the caterpillar song, you can read it below and sing it with us at home!
Five little caterpillars wiggling on a leaf,
One falls off, goes to sleep.
Close her eyes and wait a week,
Up comes a butterfly floating on the breeze.
Four little caterpillars wiggling on a leaf,
One falls off, goes to sleep.
Close his eyes and wait a week,
Up comes a butterfly floating on the breeze.
Three little caterpillars wiggling on a leaf,
One falls off, goes to sleep.
Close her eyes and wait a week,
Up comes a butterfly floating on the breeze.
Two little caterpillars wiggling on a leaf,
One falls off, goes to sleep.
Close his eyes and wait a week,
Up comes a butterfly floating on the breeze.
One little caterpillar wiggling on a leaf,
She falls off, goes to sleep.
Close her eyes and wait a week,
Up comes a butterfly floating on the breeze.
No more caterpillars, no more leaves!
Five little butterflies floating on the breeze.
After our delicious snacks a few of us got our rain gear out of our back packs, ready for a big trek! We made our way down the big steps and big hill to stand by the river where we could all chill. The river is getting very fast and very flashy as the rain comes down all over town. We love to stop, look and listen as the water rolls by and glistens. After a mindful moment, we continued on our way to Jack’s Creek where we like to play.
Here we scraped away leaves, we moved fallen trees and inspected the ground to see who may be near or under the trees. We found woodlouse (pillbug, sow bug, AKA roly-poly), wiggly worms, sticky slugs and silly spiders! Some friends found success under fallen logs or trees, while other friends found critters in old stumps, you see. We raked and we shoveled, we scratched and we dug until we found almost every single bug! While we were at the creek we threw sticks and stones into the water to see where they’d go, closer or farther.
Soon it was time for us to go home, we made our trek back up the big, giant hill to pack our bags and chill. Our families were excited to see us and hear about our big bug day and nature play.
Thank you all for another wonderful and wild week in the life of your Knee High Naturalists, we look forward to seeing you next week to learn about rad reptiles and awesome amphibians!