Winter/Spring Knee High Naturalists - Weeks 9 & 10 (Wednesday)

We had a great last couple of weeks together! Our second to last week was special because Ms. Rachel S. got to lead our class for the first hour. She brought out a mystery box with a random mix of things inside. It was our job to use our sense of touch to figure out what was inside. One by one, we reached our hands in and grabbed an item. Then, we used describing words, like big, small, soft, hard, long, round, smooth, bumpy, etc. to give each other clues. After three guesses, we pulled the item out to see if we were correct. Some of the objects were rocks, sticks, and pinecones, and others were toilet paper tubes, clothespins, and toys. This game was a lot of fun and silly! We talked about which objects we can find in nature and which objects are made with materials that come from nature. Then, we spent some time on the Nature Playscape before heading down to check on the Boardman River–it was still moving fast and appeared quite cold.

On our last day together, we spent most of our time at Jack’s Creek on Fox Den Trail. It still was not quite warm enough to stick our feet in, but we made the most of our visit. While a few of us climbed trees, others looked for bugs in the water. A couple of us even opened a bakery, selling mud pies and cupcakes (made with the most imaginative ingredients possible)! We could not have asked for a better last day together.