The rain did not stop us from adventuring today! We headed down to Jack’s Creek first thing, where we noticed the water level had risen and the water turned brown and murky. After discussing, we determined that the heavy rains swept sediment into the creek. Next, we stopped at the Bear Dens to build a quick fort and climb the massive cedar tree. The trees in this spot keep us fairly dry when it is raining! Before snack, we stopped at the Rock Beach to skip stones and search for Petoskeys. We also found a secret spot down by the river (good luck getting the location out of us–it is confidential!), but quickly learned that the heavy rain makes the bank extra mucky–luckily no boots were lost this time. After snack, Ms. Paige brought out her mystery box of mammals–furs, skulls, rubber scat, and pictures of animal tracks. We worked together to match each item and identify the animals. We learned that coyotes have long snouts compared to the other specimens and bobcats pull their claws in while they walk. Then, we hiked around the Sabin loop in search of frogs, mushrooms, and climbing trees before adding onto our forts from last week.