Welcome back to another fun fall day in the life of a Knee High Naturalist!
Our day started with a fall themed book, full of silly rhymes and information for autumn time. “It’s Fall” taught us about the signs of fall around us like geese flying in V’s, monarchs who flee when it gets breezy and animals who burrow deep for a long winter’s sleep. As always, our Good Morning song was sung before we began our fun. The mission for today (other than play) was to find cool items for our nature color wheel and recognize signs of fall around us all.
We washed our hands and stacked our backpacks before eating our delicious snacks. We talked about signs of fall we might feel, but not see—like the colder air, hats on our hair and lots of layers! As we suited up with hats and gloves, we started our hike by pointing out things we loved. A bright red leaf here, yellow trees over there, green leaves all around and fall in the air!
Our journey led us to Mini Mac, our pint sized suspension bridge built just for kids! From here we could see big birds, changing trees and lots of leaves. We found Bittersweet and Autumn Olive berries to add to our color wheels, Spotted Knapweed was soon on their heels! Along the way we found a grouse, so we crouched low to watch, quiet as a mouse.
We ended the day with a time full of play, spiders hanging from webs by a thread, anglers in a boat that rocks, but doesn’t float. We wish summer goodbye and welcome autumn, excited as magpies!
Thank you all for an awesome autumn day of fun under the clouds and sun! We look forward to seeing you all next week for big adventures to Bear Den and down by the creek!