Come explore our updated Discovery Backpacks! Available for check-out at the Boardman River Nature Center.
We’re ready and excited to roll out our updated line of Discovery Backpacks. These educational kits include engaging activities for all ages. Each backpack includes books, specimens, naturalist tools like binoculars or a bug net, and a variety of unique activities and toys for each specific theme. Backpack themes are focused on the natural features of Northwest Michigan, with materials that connect directly to the Natural Education Reserve trails! With 10 unique backpacks to choose from, your young naturalist will have plenty of topics to explore! This month we’re featuring our “Budding Botanist,” “Birding Bonanza,” and “Insect Investigator” backpacks.
Renting a Discovery Backpack
Stop in to the Boardman River Nature Center front desk to check-out one of our Discovery Backpacks! Our featured Discovery Backpacks are available for a $5 fee. If you plan to take the backpack off campus, we request a $20 deposit - refunded upon return of the backpack. Backpacks can be checked-out for 3 days at a time.
You can inquire about backpack availability by calling us at (231) 941-0960.
Featured This Month
Birding Bonanza
Due to the range of habitat options at the Boardman River Nature Center, nearly 100 species of birds call these trails their home! Our "Birding Bonanza" backpack will guide you in discovering the ways of NW Michigan's beautiful birds!
Budding Botanist
Explore the wonderful world of plants with the Boardman River Nature Center as your living laboratory! Our "Budding Botanist" backpack will help you identify and investigate Michigan's fantastic flora. Intended for ages 5-12.
Insect Investigator
The Boardman River Nature Center is crawling with cool insects! With our trails as your living laboratory, our "Insect Investigator" backpack will guide you in getting up close and personal with NW Michigan's beautiful bugs!