Fall Knee High Naturalists - Week 6 (Wednesday)

This morning was quite the adventure! First, we chose our favorite animal fur inside the Nature Center. Ms. Paige read the book Daylight Starlight Wildlife (by Wendell Minor) about various animals, birds, and insects that are awake during the day and awake at night. We each found our animals in the story and learned a bit about them, including when they like to be awake. Our animals were a squirrel (day), bobcat (night), coyote (night), and raccoon (night).

Outside at snack time, we had quite the surprise when a spider crawled out of one of our backpacks! At first, it spooked us, but then we watched it crawl around the pavilion, exploring its new home. We even watched to see if it would eat a dead cricket we found, but it did not seem hungry. Some friends suggested that we feed it our snacks, but none of us packed any insects in our lunch boxes!

On our adventure on Fox Den Trail, we helped clear “20 thousand” maple leaves from the stairs so they would not be so slippery. Then, we stopped to enjoy the view before ending at the Rock Beach on the Boardman River. This was our first time here together and it was a blast! We took turns throwing rocks, trying to find the biggest one to make a big splash. We had just enough time to climb the Nature Playscape spider web and play in the mud kitchen before going inside for pick up time. Inside, we took turns reading Ms. Paige the story from earlier, adding new facts (some true and some silly) to each animal throughout the book.