Seedling & Plant Sales

The 2024 sale dates are as follows:

  • Native Seedling Sale is online, pre-order only, and will run February 1 through March 31. Pickups will be April 26th - 27th.

  • Native Plant Sale plant-by-number flats are by pre-order only from April 1st - 30th. Our one-day sale will return on Saturday, May 18th. Stay tuned for more details!

Seedling sale

Plant Sale

Find plants by name


What types of sales do you hold?

The Grand Traverse Conservation District Hosts Two Types Of Sales:

  • Native Seedling Sale: bare-root seedlings of trees and shrubs in bundles of 5 or more, and
  • Native Plant Sale: pre-order Plant-By-Number flats and shop for flowers, ferns, grasses, and even a few shrubs during a one-day in-person sale. Both sales take place every spring, and are a great way to introduce habitat to any landscape. Proceeds from these fundraising events aid GTCD’s various functions — we are deeply grateful for your support.

What are the benefits of planting native species?

  • Support Native Insects: Native plants support an amazing diversity of butterflies, moths, and other insects. Non-native plants simply cannot perform this critical habitat role.
  • Feed the Birds: By supporting a diversity of insects, native plants also provide food for birds and other insect predators. Most songbirds require insect food for their nestlings to reach adulthood.
  • Bring the Bees: Incorporating more native plants into your home landscape helps attract pollinators that increase crop yields, as well as insect predators that reduce costs for pest management.
  • Learning Lab: Native plants help turn your backyard into a learning laboratory; do your part to inspire the next generation of scientists and nature stewards.
  • Natural History: Native plants are our natural heritage. They are part of what makes our region a unique and inspiring place.
  • Low-Maintenance: Native plants are a good choice for the “hands-off” gardener — all gardens need upkeep, but when properly placed, native plants require little additional effort to thrive once established.
  • Beauty All Around: Native plants, and the birds and butterflies they attract, are beautiful.
  • Safe From “Sorry!“: By definition, native plants pose no risk of becoming invasive.

What if you do not have the plants I am looking for?

Check out the Go Beyond Beauty program — many of these local business participants sell 20 or more native species.

You can also check out Michigan native trees, shrubs, flowers, ferns, and grasses in action any day of the year by visiting the gardens at the Boardman River Nature Center, which serves as a showcase for native plants.